Just a simple blog
These is my personal blog convering technical findings of my everyday work. So expect the post to cover technical, mostly ruby and web related topics.
Some of the content below was originally published on other sites.
Latest posts
- Releasing redmine_zxcvbn 1.0.0
- Using Quicksilver as simple Pomodoro timer
- New ChiliProject Plugin Released: Custom Home Path
- Static Files And Bitly Proxy On Single Domain
- Monkey-Patching User in ChiliProject
- Releasing redmine_zxcvbn 1.0.0 - March 30
- Using Quicksilver as simple Pomodoro timer - September 17
- New ChiliProject Plugin Released: Custom Home Path - July 17
- Static Files And Bitly Proxy On Single Domain - July 16
- Monkey-Patching User in ChiliProject - July 12
- Hello, World! - June 28
- Smaller Update - March 14
- Seven Things - January 23
- Done - April 16
- Euruko 2008 - March 19
- Mechanize Use Case - March 16
- The difference between alias_method_chain and plain old super - March 7
- undef_method != remove_method - February 28
- Syntax Highlighting enabled - February 28
- Quick Rake Goodies - February 27
- structured_warnings Highlights - February 22
- [Ann] structured_warnings 0.1.0 released - February 21
- Camping, Mongrel and Static Files - January 30
- Merchandising - January 28
- Terminal Trick - November 22
- EuRuKo 2007 coverage - November 10
- October's Ruby User Group Meeting - October 5
- Camping, Markaby and ruby2ruby - October 1
- Executable code in usage examples - September 13
- EuRuKo 2007 - September 12
- ContextR 0.1.0 released - September 12
- Ruby is cheating on super - June 28
- Camping Tips - June 7
- Lax Specs - June 1
- Introducing cache_annotations the other way round - June 1
- cache_annotations release to the wild - May 28
- API docs - May 22
- ContextR - a context-oriented programming interface for Ruby - May 10
- Ruby User Group Berlin - ContextR - May 3
- attr_accessor on Steroids - April 24
- Performance of Dynamic Code Invokation - April 18
- Written in Ruby - contd. - April 15
- International Methods - March 24
- Multiple Inheritance without MixIns - March 18
- List of callback methods - March 18
- Mephisto Bloglines Plugin - March 3
- Written in Ruby - March 1
- Power to the People - March 1
- ruby -e "puts 'Hello World'" - February 25
- An Editor for Ruby - February 25